How To Fix: Connection Error – VALORANT has encountered a connection error.

If you run into the “CONNECTION ERROR – VALORANT has encountered a connection error. Please relaunch this client to reconnect.” error it can have different reasons.
Usually it points to a pretty generic connection error, this could be server problems on Riot’s side, but also a problem with your connection – or often, your Firewall!
There are a couple of potential solutions for this problem:
One of the most common ones is just to wait, especially around launch and patch release it’s possible that the VALORANT servers are just busy. You can check our Discord for example to see if other people also run into the same problem at that time.
Just wait a couple of minutes!
Often the easiest solution for the problem. The VALORANT servers are busy and you can’t connect. So just wait for a bit and you might be able to get into VALORANT again.
Check your Firewall! It might block VALORANT from connecting to the network.
Do you have custom Firewall or specific Windows Firewall settings? This error will also show, when something blocks the connection from the game to the VALORANT servers. If you have an active firewall, make sure to whitelist VALORANT and Vanguard Anti-Cheat!
A PC restart might also help here.
Restart your modem/router!
Another way to potentially fix the “CONNECTION ERROR – VALORANT has encountered a connection error” in VALORANT is to restart your modem/router. Just take it off the power for a couple of seconds and plug it back in.
One of those steps should fix the generic “Connection Error – VALORANT has encountered a connection error.” error for you in the best case. If not, please let us know in the Discord, especially if you find another, alternative solution for the connection error problem!